Monday, March 10, 2025

Random Tuesday - The 70's

 My husband and I recently watched the SNL 50th anniversary show, and it sure brought back some memories! Weren't the 70's the best time to grow up?

Thank goodness there was no social media then, but we did have nosy neighbors who would tell on you if you did something wrong.  Back then, we would go outside and play all day, ride our bikes all around the neighborhood, play freeze tag and Mother, May I, and stay out until the street lights came on.  Such a simpler time.  I don't think we knew then how good we had things!

Here's to my childhood!


And the TV shows!  That Disney opening music sequence still gives me good chills!

Have a great week, and don't forget to visit my friends at Happy Tuesday and Random Tuesday Thoughts.

Monday, March 03, 2025

Random Tuesday Thoughts

 We are still grieving the loss of our 16 + year old cat Lacy.  We had to put her down last Monday. It was very sudden.  I miss her so much!

  But we had a reason to celebrate this weekend.  Our precious granddaughter turned 5.  For her party, she was visited by Princess Anna and Queen Elsa.  These two young women were great performers.  A good time was had by all.

I'm not much in the mood for funnies yet, so have a great week!

Please visit my friends at Happy Tuesday and Random Tuesday Thoughts.

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

No Posts this Week



I'm not in the mood for randomness, funnies, or photos (other than this one) this week because on Monday, we had to put our sweet Lacy down.  She was sixteen years old.  She's been losing a lot of weight, not keeping her food down, then all of a sudden, she went blind.  She must have had a stroke or seizure because it literally happened overnight, and she could not walk well (also arthritis in her back legs).  She also had a serious kidney disease.  This was so hard.  I miss her so much!

Monday, February 17, 2025

Random Nonsense

 Just some funnies today.

This is literally true!  A couple of days ago, we were 80 degrees,  Today, the 60's.  In less than 48 hours, we're due for another hard freeze with temps 20-30 degrees below normal.

Feel free to groan, but this tickles my retired English teacher's funny bone!

Please tell me I'm not!

True story!

Be sure to visit my friends at Happy Tuesday and Random Tuesday Thoughts.  Have a great week!


Monday, February 10, 2025

What Causes Them?

 Last week I talked about hiccups:  What they are, what to do about them.  But I realized yesterday that I forgot to research WHY they happen.  Turns out, there are a lot of reasons why you can get hiccups.

  • eating or drinking too fast
  • eating spicy foods
  • medications such as sedatives and anti-convulsants
  • sudden changes in temperature
  • loud noises
  • strong smells
  • or they can just happen randomly for an unknown reason.

So, there you have it.  Read last week's post to learn what hiccups are and what to do about them.  So, moving right on to the funnies.

Have a great week!  Don't forget to visit Happy Tuesday and Random Tuesday Thoughts.


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